February Charity- Power Of You Teens

In honor of Black History Month, we have chosen The Power Of You Teens, an incredible organization that is centered around the POC youth of Harlem. The Power of You Teens focuses on helping girls between the ages of 11 to 18, the important development ages when they are learning to build self-esteem, confidence and how to make smart and healthy decisions.

Here are some of the Challenges they tackle.

Challenges Today’s Teens Face

  • Education Inequality – Girls who come from low-income neighborhoods are often denied high quality education. Over 60% of girls of color are born to families living on low incomes.

  • 1 in 6 girls will not graduate from high school. In school, girls of color are two to six times more likely to be suspended than other girls, with a third to half not graduating high school at all.

  • Like many girls, girls of color suffer sexual harassment and abuse at school, on the street, and while dating. Rather than finding systems that provide support or protection, girls of color are likely to be criminalized or ignored for the trauma they’ve suffered.

  • Young women of color are disproportionately not afforded opportunities available to other girls.

  • A recent study revealed that adults think black girls seem older and require less nurturing and protection than other girls of the same age.

Check out their website with this link



January Charity - 914 Cares